The first 'Take 15' lesson will be presented live this coming Monday at 9:00AM Pacific Time - this is a 15-minute internet delivered lesson on a specific topic to help you improve your videos.
You Video Expert Chet Davis will present the topic in detail in the short 15-minute time slot. You'll also receive the link for a 1-page PDF document with the 'take-aways' for each session -- the important info or techniques covered in that session.
And if you can't join Chet in the live lesson, you can view each and every Take 15 episode in the Take 15 Archives!
This week our live lesson is Depth of Field. You'll learn what Depth of Field is, the factors affecting Depth of Field and how to use the limitations of Depth of Field creatively in your videography. Shallow DOF (Depth of Field) is all the rage for some professional videographers - see some video samples in this Take 15 Live Lesson.
Website members (Silver or Gold Ticket Holders) click below to register for the Take 15 series - and you you can click on any of the scheduled topics below to see what's being taught in the next few weeks. Visit this page for the schedule of upcoming lessons in the "Take 15" Live Lesson series - and for Gold and Silver Ticket Holders to register for the sessions, then join Chet Davis each Monday at 9:00AM Pacific (click here for other time zones).