Just a few days ago you could 'make it snow' on your computer screen with Google, today YouTube joined the on-line snow makers.
On any YouTube video, there is a new tiny snowflake button, in the bottom right corner of the YouTube Player - click on this button and snowflakes will start to fall over your video as it plays. The snow flakes can be pushed away by moving your cursor near them, and they will accumulate at the bottom of your screen.
Try it on the video below - created by a friend with footage of snow falling at their ranch in North Carolina, set to the St. Matthew's Women's Singing Circle at St. Mary's Chapel in Hillsborough, NC
And, if you missed the Google snow show - go over to the Google home page and type in 'let it snow' in the search bar and click enter/return. The snow will begin falling. Sit tight for a moment and your screen will appear to get frosty -- click and drag your cursor around to wipe away the frost, or click the auto-appearing defrost button to clear up your screen.