Last Friday Facebook announced on their Developer Blog that they were allowing the developers the opportunity to collect the phone numbers and mailing address of app users (if the developer wished to incorporate that code into their Facebook app. This morning Facebook pulled this option, indicating they had enough feedback over the weekend that caused them to reconsider how this was implemented.
It sounds like they are going to move forward with this option eventually, but that they will be more deliberate about letting their Facebook members know about the ramifications.
It should be noted that this required the end user to click 'Allow' to enable this transfer or data, but many privacy advocates found this change a potential threat that some Facebook customers would not really want to participate in (but may not fully realize that it was going on). And to be clear about the scope of the info passed on, I should point out that Facebook made it clera from the beginning that it would only be your info,not your friends': "Please note that these permissions only provide access to a user’s address and mobile phone number, not their friend's addresses or mobile phone numbers." So while this will not presently be an option for Application developers, it may be a good time for us all to review our Profile info and what we have posted that others might have access to. Here is a look at the Facebook Profile - Basic Information screen. You get here by clicking on your 'Edit My Profile' link at the top left corner of your Facebook account. Then click on the link 'Contact Information' (blue arrow below) found also in the top left corner of your Facebook Profile. Privacy advocates recommend that you do not share or post your telephone number or your home address here (red arrows). By not having it listed, you will not knowingly or accidentally share this information with others. You'll notice in my information list I do have my home city, state and zip code. And really, if they are a close friend with whom you wish to share your telephone number/s and address - either they would have it or you could provide it off-line or via direct email, text or phone call.