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Temecula Wedding Photographer

Finally, a topic that I am passionate about. I have looked for information of this caliber for the last several hours. Your site is greatly appreciated.

Coroplast Signs

Thanks a lot for writing this, it was informative and helped me quite a bit for the subject I am working on.

Surplus Toner

I dont know when is the first release Polaroid camera. Every blog gives a unique set of information. It would be useful for us to collaborate with the kind of info we want.


THANKS CHET, I LOVE my polaroid and just have it sitting in the closet, I will look for film that should be 'out there someplace' by now.......this is great...because of you giving me the 'heads up' I was able to write to other friend and let them know.......some needed their polaroids for their work.......they are going to love this news

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