For some time I have devoted interest, energy, and effort into learning and practicing the use of New Media or Social Media both for profit for my businesses and my clients/colleagues business as well as for publicity and philanthropy for my youngest sons school. I came across an article today that told of the success a Middle School has enjoyed (created) through their use of New Media to turn around a troubled school. The school is George Middle School in Portland, Oregon and the point person for this effort is Elizabeth Delmatoff, a school counselor at George MS. With a dynamic Principal and a dedicated staff they created a Social Media Education program... now their students "blog, text, whiteboard and tag. They
post links and create videos. Our tardy or absent kids (and their
parents) get texts to their cell phones and we have implemented a 1:1
online tutoring program. We have peer chat groups, peer study groups and
teacher led groups. Not only do we have them, the kids love them." Now, some critics would say that this doesn't matter much - these new fangled technologies these kids are using. But this turned around the culture of the school, kids want to learn, they are engaged and their school is now seen as a place that is relevant for their lives. That is very cool - George Middle School gets an A in my grade book. You can read the full article online at the Oregon Education Association website
This article is encouraging....I like the 'IN YOUR FACE ATTITUDE' ALSO as I know there is a lot more room for VIDEO, as we are all so use to it........we 'videographers' just must 'reach into our thinking caps' and promote ourselves.
Posted by: Bobbie | 03/31/2010 at 10:29 PM
What? Teaching by Telling wasn't working?
This is very exciting. I realise the potential of these new media, but to read reports of success is inspiring.
Ta for the article
Posted by: Richard Andrew | 03/31/2010 at 03:32 PM