Had some lively conversation this morning as part of the Casablanca Coffee Klatsch, a weekly, web-meeting for folks who are members of CasablancaExpert.com
I shared some of my recent posts on the Casablanca Expert Blog and my Your Technology Tutor.
I reviewed last week's Members Only Webinar where I presented info about sharing video (and other large) files using internet tools. The streaming video is now available in the Members Webinar Archives.
We talked a little abou the March Get Together - MGT 2011 and some of the presenters and programs scheduled for that annual event.
Our most lively conversation was around the topic of whether Macrosystem would be announcing or releasing a software only version of the Casablanca for installation on Laptop (and desktop) Personal Computers. And then I spent some considerable time reviewing the latest announcement of the new features & benefits in the forthcoming Bogart SE Version 4 (already released in PAL)
The internet links (URLs) for the items mentioned above and the audio recording (available as an MP3 file) from the meeting are available for Website members to review here: Coffee Klatsch Archives
If you are a website member and would like to join us for any one of the Monday sessions - please see this web page: Casablanca Coffee Klatsch