This morning several colleagues and I braved the internet to participate in yet another edition of the Casablanca Expert Coffee Klatsch (also known as the Monday Meeting of the Minds) as we met together (on-line) this morning.
I shared photo from the San Francisco Exploratorium taken last evening, from a very cool (new) exhibit featuring high-speed digital photography. I have marveled for years at the images from high speed photography (like the bullet piercing the balloon, the baseball when impacted by the baseball bat, etc.).
Well, last night I got to make my own photos... they have a Canon Rebel digital camera with flash facing a mug full of water. The water drops straight down into mug - you get to adjust when camera snaps photo, in MicroSeconds. 70mS is when drop usually enters the mug. It's tied to a PC which displays the resulting image almost instantly. Very Cool!
Here are a couple of my pics:
Ok, back to this morning's meeting... I shared some of my recent posts & articles added to both my this Casablanca Expert Blog and Your Technology Tutor.
I reviewed the (free) Public Web-seminar presented last Thursday - which is now in the Webinar Archives:
We discussed and I demonstrated some uses of the Shift Hue and BorderX software (based on participant questions)
The internet links (URLs) for the items mentioned above and the audio recording (available as an MP3 file) from the meeting are available for Website members to review here: Coffee Klatsch Archives